Monday, May 18, 2009

Another Last....

Please bear with me for the next few weeks as I try to cope with my first born child graduating from high school. I posted this post Let's Hear It For The "Lasts" a few months back when I was starting my sentimental journey of my daughter's childhood into adulthood. I am very conscious now documenting her "lasts." Below is a picture of her at her last orchestra concert in high school that we attended last night. I remember the first time she picked up a violin when she was only six years old. Wow...has time flown by. She'll be attending Penn State Main in the fall for music education and we could not be more proud of her. Now....if you don't mind again....I would like to share with you Let's Hear It For The "Lasts."

I remember when my children were babies and I was so caught up into their "firsts". The first time they smiled, talked, sat, walked. I couldn't wait to grab a pen and note every milestone in their baby journal. Now that my first child will be wrapping up her senior year in high school....I can't help but try to remember all of her lasts. When did she hold my hand for the last time when we were in a parking lot or crossed the street? When was the last time she sat on my lap and hugged me with the tightest bear hug she could give? How about that last butterfly kiss, the last time she gave me the secret code... that she loved me before she got on to the school bus each morning. Or the last time she crawled into bed with us at night because she was scared or just wanted to be cuddled. The last time she said "I'm going to live with you forever" or "Daddy I'm going to marry you." If only I had a crystal ball and I knew that the "lasts" were staring at me right in the face...I would of cuddled her a little longer, held her hand tighter and just savored the moment. ~amy


Diane Mars said...

Amy, You should be so very proud of her. And the love for a child is so strong, they grow up but they never leave our hearts. My daughter and her husband are moving to Utah and I am just sick about it, I try not to think about it. When I do my heart melts and my eyes tear up.My thoughts are with you.
Hugs, Diane

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

Hi there...I am Diane's sister that just left your previous message.
I would like to offer much congratulations to your daughter and to your parenting too! I have 5 children, all but one have graduated from school. My youngest daughter is an 8th grader. Rather than is certainly a melancholy time, a time of reflection indeed but more importantly a time of new delight and unexpected surprises. The relationships and experiences I am now having with my 3 older daughters and son are amazing too and just think of all the coming possibilities? Instead of looking back at all the "lasts" continue to look forward at all the new "firsts"!

Stay Cozy, Carrie

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Amy...this post has left me crying. I..have gone through those "lasts" and I didn't know I wish I had...ANOTHER wonderful heartwarming post.
May I just tell you that you have SO many more firsts to come? SO many..
Her wedding, her first child, her first call for one of your recipe's. Her first new home..and the list goes on ..and on..and on!
Just another wonderful, dear and heart felt post!
I am continuing my journey back through your posts...and they just get more and more wonderful!
I KNOW blogging is work..:) but this is where we can give..and listen and get ideas and share and share and share. Thank you so much for sharing your feelings with us.
Congratulations on your beautiful daughters graduation!!
Smiles and love~